Excavation Begins at Ancient City Ganweriwala, Cholistan: Aiming for UNESCO Recognition

Excavation Begins at Ancient City Ganweriwala, Cholistan: Aiming for UNESCO RecognitionExcavation of ancient city Ganweriwala begins, spotlighting its rich history and potential. A collaborative effort aims to uncover Indus civilization secrets.

Commissioner Bahawalpur Division Dr. Ehtesham Anwar, alongside notable archaeologist Professor Dr. Rafique Mughal, CEO Thaap Sajida Wandal, and Director General Archaeology Punjab Shozab Saeed, inaugurated the excavation of the ancient city of Ganweriwala in the Cholistan desert. This significant event marks the commencement of efforts to spotlight Ganweriwala’s rich history and potential for UNESCO heritage listing.

Reviving Ganweriwala’s Legacy

The Ganweriwala excavation project, a collaborative effort between the Punjab government, the Department of Archaeology, Divisional Administration, and Thaap, seeks to unearth the relics of the ancient Indus civilization. Spanning over 80 hectares, Ganweriwala is poised to reveal the secrets of a civilization that thrived alongside Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. With Governor Punjab Muhammad Balighur Rahman’s backing, this initiative not only aims to preserve a pivotal part of history but also to bolster the national economy through tourism and heritage conservation.

Archaeological Significance and Potential Discoveries

Under the guidance of Dr. Rafique Mughal, renowned for his expertise in ancient artifacts, the excavation work at Ganweriwala is expected to uncover numerous insights into past civilizations. With Ganweriwala strategically located between Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, the discoveries here could reshape our understanding of Indus Valley Civilization’s urban planning, trade, and daily life. Furthermore, the potential inclusion of Derawar Fort in UNESCO’s heritage list underscores the global significance of the region’s historical and archaeological sites.

Collaboration for Preservation and Research

This project has garnered support from various sectors, including academia and development authorities, highlighting the wide-ranging interest in Ganweriwala’s preservation and study. Professor Sajida Wandal emphasized the importance of Ganweriwala’s location and its archaeological remnants, discovered in 1975 but unexplored due to resource constraints. Now, with renewed focus and support, the site’s mud brick walls and pottery shards are set to offer a window into the lives of its ancient inhabitants.

As the excavation of Ganweriwala progresses, the anticipation grows not only among archaeologists and historians but also among those keen on exploring the depths of human civilization’s past. This venture into the heart of the Cholistan desert is more than just a dig; it’s a journey to reconnect with a heritage that once flourished along the banks of the now-vanished Hakra River. The outcomes of this excavation could very well redefine the historical narrative of the region and, by extension, of ancient civilizations globally.